
WWYDW: Jerseys

5 years ago
In honour of the team’s 50th anniversary, the organization allowed fans to vote on a throwback jersey to be worn as an alternate on select nights for the 2019-20 season. The results are in, and the flying skate won in a landslide. 
With the organization nearing its 50th year with an apparent willingness to shake things up on the jersey front, what changes, if any, would you like to see the Canucks make to their home, away, and third jerseys?
Last week I asked: What changes or additional content would you like to see at CanucksArmy?
The biggest thing I’d like to see from CanucksArmy this year compared to last year is consistency and communication. As the season went on, a number of post-game reports were missed, and we all know about the fiasco that the mid-term prospects report became. I understand that it’s a hobby for many of the writers, and that sometimes life gets in the way, but if life does get in the way, a simple “This series has been delayed, here’s the new schedule” post, or “sorry, no post-game report tonight, the scheduled writer is ill” update goes a long way. A lot of people like the post-game reports because it gives them a place to talk in the comments about the game and share and compare their thoughts – if a writer’s going to miss a post-game, putting up a “sorry no full report due to illness, here’s a box score” post still gives people a place to talk about the game.
I expect many people reading the blog are very well versed in the different metrics used in analytics, but I would find it helpful if there were a glossary on the site (somewhere unobtrusive) that gave a 101 on the common metrics used for those of us who’s memory needs jogging from time to time.
how about dumbing down some of the analytics? there have many good articles where i’ve given up half way through because the analytics were getting tough to follow. or maybe have a sidebar glossary for the terms and abbreviations.
I come to this site to read the comments as much as I read the articles. I look forward to Mondays because the mailbag comment section often becomes something of a forum. The trolls I don’t like. Too many vitriolic posts can spoil the mood for the whole site. When I first joined I told myself I would only cheer, and never trash other people’s comments, but some of them were so full of inappropriate hate that I gave up on that idea. A moderator would be great.
liqueur de fenetres:
Since this is an analytics blog, when hitting “port comment” force users to complete a Captcha that contains a basic math problem. This will go a long way to cleaning up the comments section too.
A lot has already been said, but in case I missed I would also like to see:
1) Writer bios, twitter feeds, or links to their other work in different outlets (ie the Athletic, Sportsnet, TSN, etc..) on the main page.
2) Direct links to Canucks stats, NHL stats/standings, doesn’t matter if its Sportsnet, TSN, Espn – it would be great to have a one stop shopping site
3) A general message board on the side to discuss topics, ask questions, promote social gatherings, etc that is out of the scope of the write-up
Great contact, especially for a free site. The writing, in general, has been quite good. Controversy is good, but beating dead horses like Corrado, Guddy, and Sutter was getting super old. All in all, this site is my number one source for Canucks content – so keep up the great work.

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