
6 things the Canucks’ cryptic helmet tease on social media could really mean

Photo credit:X/@Canucks
David Quadrelli
7 months ago
On Friday afternoon, the Vancouver Canucks made the following post across their social media channels.
As they so often do, the Canucks waited until Friday afternoon to release this news — if you can even call it that — to the public. They know most of the radio shows and podcasts had finished recording for the day and wouldn’t be back until Monday, and that by then, they’d have a whole new game from Saturday night to talk about. But we’re onto them. They’re not getting this one past us.
We’re here to give you six possibilities, setting ourselves up perfectly to say we told you so when whatever it is the Canucks are planning is announced in January.
Matte blue helmets
This seemed like a popular guess among the people replying to the Canucks’ post trying to figure out what it might be. Similar to the club’s matte black helmets that they wear with the black skate jerseys, maybe they’re going to do the same with their blue helmets.
On the other hand, that light reflection sure is curious…
Chrome blue helmets
What some might call the likeliest outcome of the bunch, the Canucks may be announcing a chrome blue helmet for their main home jerseys. If I were good at Photoshop I might be able to show you what that looks like. Instead, here’s what came up when I googled “chrome blue helmet” instead.
Perhaps the “shine” animation on the Canucks’ helmet silhouette post is the biggest tell that we’re getting chrome helmets.
Canucks announce Starlink as the new official internet provider of Rogers Arena
Nothing can be worse than the Rogers Wifi in the arena right now, right? (Said the disgruntled media member who only has himself to blame for forgetting to bring his Ethernet cable to the press box every night.)
Canucks new goal song will have something to do with shooting stars
The 1989 Bob Dylan hit? Airplanes by B.O.B? There are a number of songs that make reference to shooting stars, and we know for a fact the Canucks have been wrestling with the idea of changing their goal song (even though their current one is perfectly fine, but I digress.)
If the Canucks’ new goal song is the 2022 track shooting stars by BC-born Carly Rae Jepsen, you heard it here first.
Canucks are switching to the black skate jerseys full time
This has been heavily rumoured lately, and how could it not be? The game against the New Jersey Devils on Tuesday night was not originally slated to be a black skate jersey night, nor was Thursday night’s matchup with the Minnesota Wild. And yet, the Canucks wore the skate in both games.
Further, Quinn Hughes’ “Team 43” ticket giveaway promotion logo was made in the black skate colours. They already announced the matte black helmets this season to wear with the skate, so maybe that’s why the helmet is the tease here?!
Canucks Convo listener contribution: Rick Tocchet has mandated all players shave their heads
If your team is getting too soft in the dirty areas or is getting lazy on some nights like the Canucks have recently, this is a simple solution: Make things as much like the military as possible. Turning everyone into chrome domes and getting the social media team to help you announce it would be the ultimate power move by Rick Tocchet.
…And Patrik Allvin…
…and Jim Rutherford…
Wait, is this what’s actually going to happen?

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