Dear reader,
Thanks for reading CanucksArmy! If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know that it’s been quite some time since we had an update to our site’s layout.
In the years since we last updated the site, our content output and readership has increased somewhat dramatically.
We’ve heard complaints about ads and slow loading times of in-article content, and are pleased to make the new site public. We also heard lots of feedback about our comment section — most notably the automated moderation system — and are implementing a new one. You may need to make a new account in order to comment again.
Our new look was created with performance at the front of mind. With Wyatt Arndt — and all of his GIFs in the Stanchies — joining us this season, we wanted to ensure that we had the best possible user experience, and are confident that this new site will accomplish that.
We’re thrilled to be bringing the new site ahead of this new Canucks season, and are looking forward to bringing you a new level of coverage on a much cleaner-looking and performing website.
Let us know what you think of the new site!