
WDYTT: #FreeTheSkate thoughts and your reactions to the Bo Horvat blockbuster

Photo credit:© Bob Frid-USA TODAY Sports
Stephan Roget
1 year ago
Welcome back to WDYTT, the only hockey column on the internet that crowdsources its creativity.
Speaking of creativity, sometimes a lot of it is required to come up with yet another WDYTT question, week after week.
Other times, it’s patently obvious what should be asked, and this is one of those weeks.
Unless another, even bigger trade has occurred between the time we’re writing this and the time you’re reading this — which is, we’ll admit, entirely possible — there’s really only one thing worth talking about right now, and that’s the blockbuster deal that sent Bo Horvat to the New York Islanders.
After months of speculation and apprehension, the wait is finally over, and the end result is: Aatu Räty, a conditional first round pick, and Anthony Beauvillier.
Now all that’s left is the instant and long-term analysis…which is where you come in.
There will be plenty of thinkpieces written about this trade in the days, weeks, and months to come, but sometimes there’s really no substitution for on-the-scene gut reactions from the people who care most.
That’s why this week, we’re asking you:

What is your immediate reaction to the Bo Horvat trade?

Let it be known in the comment section.
Last week, we asked:

What are your thoughts on the return of the black skate jersey, and are you satisfied with the new edition?

You answered below!
Brian Togri:
I have never understood the allure of the “skate” logo or the color scheme. I always preferred the “stick in a rink” logo and color schemes. I would like to see them update it a bit and go back to that. Not a fan of using a corporate logo either (the Orca), but at least if that’s gonna be the case I guess I’m thankful we aren’t owned by Pillsbury, Michelin, or, say, Burger King.
51 Geezer:
The skate is still gliding down to the bottom quarter of the standings.
bruce donice:
Jersey conversation is just a deflection from the on-ice product. I am not going to buy one and don’t care. It doesn’t really matter what jersey you dress this team in, nothing is going to make them look good.
Better trade Bo fairly quick as his market price will be dropping. After last night Seattle is out of the Bo market after seeing him play. Not a good leader.
I might be in the minority, but I prefer the Orca with the blue/green colour scheme.
Hockey Bunker:
It is a sacrilege.
A disgrace to the memory of the skate.
A shameless money grab.
BeerCan Boyd:
(Winner of the author’s weekly award for eloquence)
A discussion of the relative worth of Canucks jerseys at this point is like discussing tomorrow’s menu options on the Titanic.
The skate and colour scheme that come with it is the only one this team has had that is not garbage!
Neal Larter:
Change the skate for a big FA. “Failed Again.”
Stephan Roget:
Presented next to one another in flat, online images, it’s easy to see why some fans were at first distraught with the changes made to the skate jersey.
On paper, it looks simpler, duller, and less sharply defined.
In action, however, it’s hard the see the difference, and the new jerseys really ‘pop.’ It’s hard to call anything an improvement on an old classic, but these certainly qualify as an ‘update,’ and that’s about the best that Canucks fans could have hoped for out of this trip down nostalgia lane.
Did anyone really want this franchise skating around out there in 30-year-old jerseys?
Other teams have plenty to laugh about already.

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