
We’ve got news! Get ready to see a lot more of Chris Faber at CanucksArmy

Photo credit:via Twitter @Canucks
David Quadrelli
2 years ago
We think you’re going to want to hear this!
Yesterday evening, we made an exciting announcement in the only way we know how: With a poorly-directed and somewhat cryptic video spoofing some piece of pop culture — this time HBO’s The Sopranos — to share with you all some news about the future of CanucksArmy.
Starting this month, Chris Faber will be a full-time employee of The Nation Network and of CanucksArmy. 
This means Faber will have more time to dive into prospect tape and bring you all the top-notch prospect coverage you’ve come to expect from our site.
Additionally, the Canucks Conversation Podcast will be moving to five days a week next season, and will be live-streamed on Youtube Monday through Friday.
We can’t thank our readers enough for their continued support, which allowed us to up our coverage last season and is allowing us to do the same this upcoming season.
We’re excited to bring you up-to-the-minute news and analysis, and of course, our daily “Scenes from morning skate” series during the season.
Oh, and this isn’t the last announcement we’ll be making this offseason, either.
Stay tuned, and drop your requests of what obscure parody we should make for our next announcement in the comment section below!
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