

By Wanye
12 years ago
Some little kids have that special X factor that leave you saying "yep, that kid is gonna go somewhere someday." Take this little fella dancing his heart out to MJ at Safeco Field. Even though he is six years old – or thirty – we have no kids so can’t tell how old they are unless we cut them in half and count their rings – he is already a champ.
Same goes for the newest member of the Nation Network – JetsNation. Even though it is only hours old we expect great things from the kid. Terrible, evil, wonderful things. It certainly is an exciting time to be born in Winnipeg.
It’s exciting that Canada has a brand new ice hockey squadron! It’s exciting that Winnipeg got their team back 16 years after they lost their team! It’s exciting that the team is called the Jets even though NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman would rather have named them the "Winnipeg NHL-Failed-In-The-Sunbelt" rather than the Winnipeg Jets.
Sometimes things work out don’t they?


For now, we are happy to see Winnipeg back in the league. As an Oilers fan, 1995-1998 represented years of ulcer causing stress as the Oilers seemed to be the next team going South after the Jets departed for Phoenix. Long before the EIG took control and saved the day, a teenaged Wanye had many sleepless nights that the team would be leaving.
We were fortunate to dodge the ball at the last minute whereas Winnipegers took it square in the beans and have been smarting from the shot ever since. Anyone who cheers for a Canadian team or a small market team or can identify with hard core fans watching their team pack up and leave town should be able to find some small part of their heart that will soar with joy once the puck drops in the ‘Peg this fall.
Yes, with the Jets tucked safely in the Eastern Conference we are cheering for them. For now. But once they come back in the West all love ends and the all consuming hatred of every other team in the NHL begins. The Oil have finished back to back lasts. Hatred is all we have.


Swing by JetsNation and wish Winnipegers and Jets fans all the best. Or the worst. 
Or whatever.

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